The Most Complete Outing Destination in Indonesia

MEETING & BONDING - EO Outbound Yogyakarta

Berlokasi di Yogyakarta oleh salah satu EO outbound terbaik & paling berpengalaman, paket outbound bagus ini sangat cocok sebagai penutup kegiatan meeting.

1. Culture tourism

We convey "Welcome to Jogja" greeting by taking you to three cultural tourist locations. In these three locations, we will invite you to: (1) practice batik on wood masks, then (2) coloring the wayang-kulit-mini, followed by (3) learning to collaboration and harmonization of Javanese gamelan.

2. Historical Heritage Tourism

The Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms greatly colored the culture of the archipelago, their heyday is proven by the remains of temples which to this day are still difficult to believe using ordinary reasoning considering that at that time there was no advanced technology, but they could produce very beautiful and majestic works.

In this session we will invite you to visit and enjoy the atmosphere of these temples, then close by visiting the bathing palace from the Mataram Kingdom.

3. Environmental Conservation

Yogyakarta has varied nature, one of which is the coast; At this location we will invite you to help preserve the environment in the form of planting mangrove trees.

After planting the mangroves, we will take you on a tour along the mangrove river and at the same time learn to row a kayak, of course with standard safety equipment.

4. Natural Tourism

Yogyakarta also has several of the best locations to enjoy the sunrise, we will invite you to relax at one of these locations.

5. Village Tourism

The Borobudur area is not only famous for its temple tours, but there are also unique tours visiting several home industry centers using a VW Safari, including the Bee Honey and Processed Mushroom home industry.
At this location you can not only find out about the cultivation and processing process , but you can also buy the products as souvenirs.

Honey Bee

The honey that is cultivated is mostly from Calliandra Flowers, the specialty of which is that it tastes very good and savory. Tourists who come will get an explanation about types of bees, how to raise them, and how to harvest honey.  At this location, visitors can also taste and buy honey souvenirs to take home.

Processed Mushrooms

The guide will explain the process of cultivating mushrooms, starting from making planting media or baglog, to taking you to a place to grow mushrooms.  Visitors can taste processed mushroom products in the form of oyster mushroom chips, mushroom crackers, crispy ear mushrooms, and others.  At this location, visitors can also buy souvenirs made from mushrooms to take home.

6. Adventure Tourism

As many people already know; Yogyakarta also has the best adventure tourism locations, including: Sunrise Lava Tour Merapi, Pindul Cave Tubing, and Oyo River Body Rafting. We will invite you to enjoy the sensations in all these locations. Safety standards and facilities must always be used by all participants, apart from that, keeping the team together (not separated) is also an important point in this activity.

In one of the highest locations in Jogja, we will invite you

Enjoy the sunset while having dinner with views of the city of Jogja

We always prioritize breakfast, lunch and dinner to take you on a culinary tour of Jogja's specialties; not only restaurants or eateries that will be visited, but also at activity locations that can provide local cuisine.

7. Culinary tour

How long?

If you are planning an outing in Yogyakarta for 2 days 3 nights or more (including leaving and returning to your hometown), We can put together the best combination of activities from the time provided.