Amazing Race Team Games:

Accuracy, Speed, Care

Bandung City is one of the best locations for amazing race activities, its unique historical heritage makes the Amazing Race Bandung City very unique. The results of the team's shopping that are given to children with cancer will make this activity always memorable for you.

MEETING & BONDING - EO Outbound Bandung

Berlokasi di Bandung oleh salah satu EO outbound terbaik & paling berpengalaman, program bagus ini sangat pas sebagai selingan atau penutup kegiatan meeting.

Sharpening Accuracy while "Exploring History"

Each team is provided with one public transportation unit and driver to answer the clues and then find the locations referred to by the clue. Next, the team must do the activities requested by the clue in each location as proof that the team has completed the challenges at all posts. Completing the challenges at each post will get a point card that will be given by the guard of each post, of course based on the order of the team that arrived first.

Teamwork For Donation

It is part of the Amazing Race that we call the 2nd stage where the team that successfully completes the 1st stage will immediately get clues to the 2nd stage post which is the last post before the finish location. In this stage, each team must shop according to the clues they have received, both the type of goods and the quantity. The shopping results must be brought to the finish point to be handed over to the recipient.

Traditional Market

Traditional Market

Traditional Market

Traditional Market


Sharing Session

The city of Bandung is recorded in various important historical events that have occurred in Indonesia, including: (1) as the location where the first technical college in Indonesia was founded (Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng–TH Bandung, now the Bandung Institute of Technology–ITB), (2) the location of a battle during the independence era, and (3) was once the location where the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference was held, a meeting that voiced the spirit of anti-colonialism, and even the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said in his speech that Bandung was the capital of Asia-Africa.

Digging and Sharing about CANCER

After all teams arrived at the finish line and submitted their learning outcomes, the event continued with a Q&A session about cancer. All participants were invited to submit questions related to the speaker's experience in helping patients deal with their illness. 

Lets We Strengthen THEIR Spirit

Before leaving the finish location, all participants can take photos with cancer sufferers as a form of support for them to continue to fight to recover and fight the disease they suffer from.


So far, we have always prioritized local potential and wisdom as the basis for compiling an outing concept, therefore, if your activity also wants to include a corporate care program (CSR), we will be happy to conduct a detailed survey and then provide input on the right CSR program to carry out.

Nearest Hotels

Having 50 rooms (Deluxe & Junior Suite types), this hotel is the most suitable accommodation for the Amazing Race Team Games activities in Bandung City. In addition, because of its very strategic location from/to the Pasteur toll gate, it will help with time efficiency when arriving and returning or moving locations from/to Lembang, Ciater, Ciwidey, and Pangalengan.


Amazing Race

Always fight, carefully divide tasks, complete all challenges, then arrive at the finish line at the front.


Mindset to Solve

Learn the system, find the solution, solve the challenge.


Together be Star

Flattering others is not an achievement, the courage to show oneself is much more meaningful.

Activity costs

IDR 600.000 per person

minimum 40 persons

* Fees apply if all activities are done on the same day.
* Fees IDR 650.000 per person if the activity is carried out in two days.
* Costs do not include team expenses to be donated to children with cancer.
* Fees do not include PPh (if any).

Programs & Facilities


Morning session (can't be done on Sunday)

  • Angkot + Driver + Fuel + Parking
  • Post Facilitator
  • Clue Card and Point Card
  • Sharing session about cancer from children with cancer, families, and foundation administrators.


Afternoon Session

  • Sound System
  • Game Tools
  • Master Game
  • Team Companion Facilitators
  • Point Card (if want to compete between teams)


Evening Session

  • Sound System & Band Gears
  • Band with 5 Players 2 Singers
  • Host of Music Quiz
  • Musik Quiz Clue and Point Card

*) All activities are a series of team competitions, the winner of the competition can be taken from the person who collects the most points.

Want to do a one-day team-bonding activity in Bandung?